Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a medical tattooing on the scalp that mimics the appearance of individual hair follicles using specialized pigments and a machine, much like a tattoo. This technique can be used to conceal baldness and give the impression of a short “buzzed” hairstyle for those who cannot or do not wish to have a hair transplant. Additionally, it can be used in conjunction with hair transplant surgery ( simultaneously or afterward ) to provide greater visual density and enhance the overall result.

In which situations Scalp Micro Pigmentation will work?
Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a commonly utilized approach in our workplace, usually administered in three distinct contexts. Firstly, as a standalone procedure to replicate the appearance of a “buzzed” hairstyle. Secondly, to help camouflage scars. Lastly, to enhance visual density in both males and females. SMP is a quick, uncomplicated, non-surgical technique that can potentially provide semi-permanent to permanent results for concealing scars in hair-covered regions.
Benefits of Scalp micro-pigmentation:
- For some patients who are not interested in undergoing a surgical hair procedure, SMP may provide a quicker, less costly, and non-surgical method when used as a standalone
- SMP can be used to treat all types of scars, including linear donor scars in the back of the head, facelift scars, brow lifting scars, cleft-lip scars, and post-skin cancer scalp scars. Combining SMP with a hair transplant is often the preferred option, but in some cases, SMP alone may be adequate.
- SMP is a non-surgical method that can increase visual density in both men and women and can be an excellent complement to surgical hair transplants. SMP may be the primary option for women who cannot undergo a hair transplant due to insufficient donor hair.