Skincare / Aesthetic

Male hair loss, or male-pattern baldness, can affect men from the onset of puberty and thereafter but may also start later in life, with a prevalence of 80% of men by age of 80 experiencing some level of hair loss.

FUE (Follicular Unit Excision)

Follicular units, the naturally occurring hair groupings are individually harvested and the harvest sites are often healed with tiny, almost undetectable scars. The capability to have a hair transplant and wear a short hairstyle is one of the major reasons to consider an FUE procedure.Except some rare and small cases such as using an FUE method to perform a scar repair the hair in the donor area is trimmed very short. Sporting a short hairstyle before and after the procedure can allow for smoother recovery. Within a few days as the healing is completed, the hair in the donor area usually grows back to its original hair length/hairstyle without disturbing one’s social life. However, it is important to distinguish this capacity

from being able in the future to shave one’s head completely, because at times, the healed areas can look like white dots (medically known as hypopigmentation) which can be visible if the hair is completely shaved. Further, if the donor area is very thin and scalp can be seen through hairs even before any surgery, then a strip donor harvest should not be undertaken and FUE donor harvesting would most likely be the ideal method for that person.

Other benefits of the FUE technique are that hair transplant can be possible for patients who are not good candidates for strip procedures due to loss of scalp laxity or due to the lack of scalp donor hair.For example, if someone has a very tight scalp, in many cases due to numerous previous strip procedures, FUE may be the only method that is safe to perform a hair transplant for that individual. Sometimes individuals who have had prior strip procedures are relatively tight in the occipital scalp (in the middle of the back of the head) but not in the temporal areas (sides of the head) and FUE can be performed in the central portion and an FU-strip can be performed on the sides in a combination procedure. FUE is particularly good as a technique for harvesting in situations when an FU-strip procedure is

unfavorable. For example, the nape of the neck is prone to scarring and can only be harvested with FUE. This area can be good for individuals who have very coarse hair and require fine hair for the hairline, but these hairs can only be used in individuals with a stable hair-loss pattern in this region since hair can be lost back upward from the neck area over time. There are many creative solutions to achieve maximal transplantable results as rapidly and as safely as possible. When other sources of donor hair are considered, such as bead or chest hair, an FUE is the only harvesting method available to obtain hairs from non-scalp regions that cannot undergo a linear incision due to the risk of scarring. FUE has become a versatile and excellent method for hair transplant when performed in experienced hands.With that in mind, it can either be used in isolation or in combination with FU-strip harvesting tailored to a particular patient’s needs.


Follicular units, the naturally occurring hair groupings are individually harvested and the harvest sites are often healed with tiny, almost undetectable scars. The capability to have a hair transplant and wear a short hairstyle is one of the major reasons to consider an FUE procedure.Except some rare and small cases such as using an FUE method to perform a scar repair the hair in the donor area is trimmed very short. Sporting a short hairstyle before and after the procedure can allow for smoother recovery. Within a few days as the healing is completed, the hair in the donor area usually grows back to its original hair length/hairstyle without disturbing one’s social life. However, it is important to distinguish this capacity

from being able in the future to shave one’s head completely, because at times, the healed areas can look like white dots (medically known as hypopigmentation) which can be visible if the hair is completely shaved. Further, if the donor area is very thin and scalp can be seen through hairs even before any surgery, then a strip donor harvest should not be undertaken and FUE donor harvesting would most likely be the ideal method for that person.

Hybrib Fue

Follicular units, the naturally occurring hair groupings are individually harvested and the harvest sites are often healed with tiny, almost undetectable scars. The capability to have a hair transplant and wear a short hairstyle is one of the major reasons to consider an FUE procedure.Except some rare and small cases such as using an FUE method to perform a scar repair the hair in the donor area is trimmed very short. Sporting a short hairstyle before and after the procedure can allow for smoother recovery. Within a few days as the healing is completed, the hair in the donor area usually grows back to its original hair length/hairstyle without disturbing one’s social life. However, it is important to distinguish this capacity

from being able in the future to shave one’s head completely, because at times, the healed areas can look like white dots (medically known as hypopigmentation) which can be visible if the hair is completely shaved. Further, if the donor area is very thin and scalp can be seen through hairs even before any surgery, then a strip donor harvest should not be undertaken and FUE donor harvesting would most likely be the ideal method for that person.